On February 12th, it was a thrilling day in which I had to run the final demonstration, and the number of people who rated there were 3 mam cony, mam linda and one other person from Minscat, it made me nervous because it made me experience first to be assessed 3 people formally. At the time I did a demonstration, mam yvet came and saw my appearance, mam yvet is my favorite teacher in mindoro, he is an extraordinary figure where when we do something demamanya must be perfect, to the point and the comma must be clear. So in the morning mam yvet told me to come early and teach me how to teach and check all my completeness. It made me very grateful to find a teacher like him. Makes me learn so much with him. In the end, I'm very grateful to have a satisfactory though imperfect value but I'm very grateful for that, though, I'm not fluent in English but the value I get makes me very grateful for that. after the final demonstration, the next hour teaching teachers...